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VirtualGrenadier is a non-political informational and commercial web site devoted to documenting the appearance of the German soldier 1939-1945 through the use of period photographs, by showcasing examples from private collections, and by offering original examples for sale. The site is intended for use by researchers, archivists and collectors of historical military memorabilia. This site carries no affiliation whatsoever with any political ideology. Any visitor to this site does so with the understanding that it is strictly for the purposes of historical collecting and research as stated above.

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GUA7 Luftwaffe Field Division Splittertarn pattern ground combat smock


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Luftwaffe Field Division Splittertarn pattern ground combat smock, constructed of drillich HBT woven fabric overprinted with Luftwaffe splinter pattern in greens and browns, lower internal pocket bags made of green fabric with HBT weave, upper internal pocket made from the same fabric, markings are mostly washed out, with large blue glass buttons at front closure the lowest of which is applied to a small patched repair, smaller versions are used at the hip pocket flaps, for the under the collar strap and for the slip on shoulder straps (not included), two blued metal dish buttons are used to secure each cuff, the proper blue wool backed machine embroidered national emblem is zig zag machine sewn but is a replacement, there are five belt hook support holes at each side waist position and the smock is set up for slip on shoulder straps, jacket has been service used but the colors are still bright, there are a few small holes and picks plus some faint small white stains, an ironed on patch has been applied to the lower inner hem to repair a frayed area (not visible externally), USD $2250 SOLD


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