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VirtualGrenadier is a non-political informational and commercial web site devoted to documenting the appearance of the German soldier 1939-1945 through the use of period photographs, by showcasing examples from private collections, and by offering original examples for sale. The site is intended for use by researchers, archivists and collectors of historical military memorabilia. This site carries no affiliation whatsoever with any political ideology. Any visitor to this site does so with the understanding that it is strictly for the purposes of historical collecting and research as stated above.

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MPA21 Grouping related to Korvettenkapitän Peter Lohmeyer, commander of U-651 (captured June 1941)


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Grouping related to Korvettenkapitän Peter Lohmeyer, commander of U-651 (captured June 1941), interesting set of documents and photographs from the Lohmeyer estate, Lohmeyer entered the Kriegsmarine in 1932 and served as commander of U-19 in June 1940, then became commander of U-138 before taking command of U-651 in February 1942, with U-651 he sank two ships, the latter shortly before losing his own boat through ramming, prisoner of war until 1947, Lohmeyer rejoined the navy in 1956 and commanded the naval school ship Gorch Fock, included are certificates for Main Midshipman courses, multiple evaluation report assessments, U-boat deck officer certificate, multiple photos of U-boats and comrades (including two photos with RM Göring in white uniform), congratulatory letter to Lohmeyer from Admiral von Friedeburg sent to him in Canada in 1944, also included are a 61 page British report relating to the interrogation of U-651's crew, a copy of the loss report from the captain of the S.S. Brockley Hill, a wartime letter with two death notices to Frau Lohmeyer regarding the death of a family friend, postwar documents and an award relating to Lohmeyer's service in the Bundesmarine, a group of five large format press photos made when Lohmeyer was awarded the Order of Merit, Lebenslauf, cased cross is included (slight enamel damage), a comprehensive group of material, too much to all be displayed here, USD $800 SOLD


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