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VirtualGrenadier is a non-political informational and commercial web site devoted to documenting the appearance of the German soldier 1939-1945 through the use of period photographs, by showcasing examples from private collections, and by offering original examples for sale. The site is intended for use by researchers, archivists and collectors of historical military memorabilia. This site carries no affiliation whatsoever with any political ideology. Any visitor to this site does so with the understanding that it is strictly for the purposes of historical collecting and research as stated above.

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MPA22 Interesting Kriegsmarine photo album of U-518


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Interesting Kriegsmarine photo album of U-518, album with card stock covers and cloth binding measures 24.5x17.5cm, there are twelve photo filled pages (one photo is missing) depicting the commission, testing, crew life and war patrols including those in arctic and tropical waters of type IXC U-518, the album's cover is marked Mein Boot with a waterline profile of a submarine and the legend Deustche Werft, Hamburg, the first six large format photos have a silhouette DW logo in white, these show the Deutsche Werft gantries, the boat on trail and in U-boat pen with all personnel paraded, additional photos show the crew on in best service dress and then there are numerous shots of officer and crew including labeled photos of commanders Brachmann and Wissmann, subjects include shore ceremonies, test cruises, harbor visits (Lorient, Kiel), war cruises (Greenland, south Atlantic, equator (Neptune ceremony), etc., dates through late April 1943, there are 81 total photos of various sizes, U-518 undertook ten war patrols and was lost with all hands near the Azores on 24 April 1945 through depth charging from the USS Carter and Scott, evocative document of the U-boat service, USD $1010 SOLD


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