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VirtualGrenadier is a non-political informational and commercial web site devoted to documenting the appearance of the German soldier 1939-1945 through the use of period photographs, by showcasing examples from private collections, and by offering original examples for sale. The site is intended for use by researchers, archivists and collectors of historical military memorabilia. This site carries no affiliation whatsoever with any political ideology. Any visitor to this site does so with the understanding that it is strictly for the purposes of historical collecting and research as stated above.

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DJA12 Ritterkreuz Mappe and associated documents for for Heer Lt. Wilhelm Henz, KIA Stalingrad 30 Jan. 1943


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Ritterkreuz Mappe and associated documents for for Heer Lt. Wilhelm Henz, KIA Stalingrad 30 Jan. 1943, Leutnant Henz received his RK for actions during the early stages of Operation Barbarossa in July 1941 leading a Kradschützen Kp. in the 29. Infanterie Div. (Mot.), which was part of Guderian's Panzergruppe 2 in AG Centre, 29. Infanterie Div. (Mot.) was one of Guderian's spearhead divisions as Pz.Gr. 2 sliced through central Russia and is credited with capturing the city of Smolensk - one of the biggest victories for the Wehrmacht in 1941, Leutnant Henz's RK deed has been written about extensively - at the head of his Kompanie he seized a bridge over the Dnieper east of Smolensk by a coup-de-main and then held the bridgehead for another five days against powerful Soviet counterattacks (an English translation of five pages describing the action from the 29. Infanterie Div. history will be included), additionally two original photos depicting Henz will be included, the first depicts Henz among other Heer officers on the occasion of award of RK in August ’41, the second is a photo postcard showing Henz wearing the RK, also, a special copy of the German language magazine Landser dedicated to describing the actions of Henz and his men is included, the formal award document folder measures approximately 45x36cm, the cover of deep red Moroccan leather has a large embossed eagle and swastika inlaid with gold leaf, the edges of the folder have gold colored cross hatches, the interior front and rear covers are of parchment vellum, the award document itself is a single piece of parchment which is held to the spine by a thick and unbroken leather covered cord, the bottom rear edge has the name Frieda Thiersch in small gold letters, the award parchment itself is lettered in brown ink and gold leaf, Hitler's signature is rendered by autopen, the award document has age yellowing and two holes at both the bottom and top of each side due to the entire Mappe having evidently nailed to some other surface at one time, in addition, the rear inner edges closest to the fold have traces of the folder’s red finish (this is not apparent from the front), the folder too has two nail holes at the top and bottom corners, in addition there is a damaged area to the lower front cover measuring approximately 2x4cm, there are scuffs to the edges front and back, despite the folder’s past rough treatment the inner surfaces are in reasonable condition and will display well, interesting set to a well-known Heer officer who fell at Stalingrad, many other detailed photos are available upon request, please inquire to info@virtualgrenadier.com for additional information, USD $13,475 SOLD


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