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Perfect unissued Heer M44 blouse made of Feldgrau 44 wool, service blouse has open collar, two breast patch pockets and adjustable cuffs, lining, inner breast pockets and belt hook support straps are of flat woven dark grey colored cotton, the lining is stamped in dark purple/black ink with RBNr, sizes and M44 depot, the internal pocket buttons, the cuff buttons and the under collar buttoning tab all are of pressed paper and are originally sewn, the remaining buttons are dark blue painted pebbled steel, have all their paint and are originally sewn, with bridles for wear with slip on shoulder straps although none are included, the woven subdued national insignia is factory machine sewn in a triangular shape trough the lining, the subdued woven litzen collar patches are also factory straight stitched, the garment was assembled using a combination of both straw colored and black construction threads, a matched pair of field grey painted belt hooks are included, zero defects are noted, USD $4000 SOLD